Programmes d'Emploi

Nous offrons des programmes d’emploi qui stimulent les parcours professionnels dans le domaine de l’environnement, le développement des compétences, la croissance des entreprises, le soutien et la promotion de la main-d’œuvre par le biais de subventions salariales et de la formation continue.

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youth in natural resources card

Programme Emplois Jeunes dans les ressources naturelles

Le programme Emplois Jeunes dans les ressources naturelles offre de la formation et des subventions salariales destinées aux jeunes professionnels désireux de gagner de l’expérience dans le secteur des ressources naturelles dans une fonction liée à la protection environnementale.

Le programme offre aux employeurs admissibles une subvention salariale à hauteur de 75 % jusqu’à concurrence de 18 000 $ pour l’embauche d’un candidat à un nouveau poste à temps plein.

For Employers

For employers, it gives them the opportunity to onboard young professionals and create meaningful environmental jobs within the natural resources sectors (Energy, Forestry, Mining Minerals & Metals, Earth Sciences).

For Participants

The Youth in Natural Resources Program provides training and funding for young professionals to help them transition into the workforce and gain experience in the natural resources sector. The program helps them build a network of peers and mentors.

Admissibilité: Jeunes (15-30)



student work placement

Programmes de Stages pratiques pour étudiants (coop)

Ce programme est destiné aux étudiants postsecondaires afin de les aider à trouver un stage dans leur domaine d’études.

Les employeurs admissibles au programme peuvent recevoir 50% de la couverture salariale jusqu’à 5 000$ pour le salaire d’un étudiant en poste pour un emploi à temps plein ou à temps partiel durant de 6 à 16 semaines avec un minimum de 180 heures.

For Employers

We provide 50% of a wage up to a maximum of $5,000 to eligible employers who hire the brightest minds in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM) and Business. 

For Participants

Working with institutions and employers across Canada to fund work placements for students to gain real-world experience in the environment while they are still in school. 

Admissibilité : Étudiant de niveau postsecondaire



apprenticeship service program

Apprenticeship Service Program​

For Employers

For employers, this program provides a financial incentive to meet the needs of small to medium-sized companies (under 500 employees). This financial incentive aids in removing limitations and challenges when hiring first-year apprentices within select Red Seal trades.

For Participants

Our Apprenticeship Service Program provides first-year apprentices in select Red Seal trades with a financial incentive to offer employers upon hiring them for their first-year apprenticeship. The program helps them stand out to prospective employers and build a network of peers and mentors.

Eligibility: 1st Year Apprentice



youth in natural resources card

Youth in Natural Resources​

For Employers

For employers, it gives them the opportunity to onboard young professionals and create meaningful environmental jobs within the natural resources sectors (Energy, Forestry, Mining Minerals & Metals, Earth Sciences).

For Participants

The Youth in Natural Resources Program provides training and funding for young professionals to help them transition into the workforce and gain experience in the natural resources sector. The program helps them build a network of peers and mentors.

Eligibility: Youth (15-30)



student work placement

Student Work Placement 

For Employers

We provide 50% of a wage up to a maximum of $5,000 to eligible employers who hire the brightest minds in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM) and Business. 

For Participants

Working with institutions and employers across Canada to fund work placements for students to gain real-world experience in the environment while they are still in school. 

Eligibility: Post-Secondary Student



environmental jobs growth program

Environmental Jobs Growth Program​

For Employers

Offset the cost of hiring for new or vacant positions and applies to candidates of any working age, educational background, and experience level. This program also provides assistance in onboarding and developing talent to help accelerate clean economic growth.

For Participants

We offer funding for employment programs that stimulate environmental career pathways, skill development, business growth, and workforce advancement.

Eligibility: All



youth in natural resources card

Programme Emplois Jeunes dans les ressources naturelles

Le programme Emplois Jeunes dans les ressources naturelles offre de la formation et des subventions salariales destinées aux jeunes professionnels désireux de gagner de l’expérience dans le secteur des ressources naturelles dans une fonction liée à la protection environnementale.

Le programme offre aux employeurs admissibles une subvention salariale à hauteur de 75 % jusqu’à concurrence de 18 000 $ pour l’embauche d’un candidat à un nouveau poste à temps plein.

For Employers

For employers, it gives them the opportunity to onboard young professionals and create meaningful environmental jobs within the natural resources sectors (Energy, Forestry, Mining Minerals & Metals, Earth Sciences).

For Participants

The Youth in Natural Resources Program provides training and funding for young professionals to help them transition into the workforce and gain experience in the natural resources sector. The program helps them build a network of peers and mentors.

Admissibilité: Jeunes (15-30)


Inscriptions ouvertes

student work placement

Programmes de Stages pratiques pour étudiants (coop)

Ce programme est destiné aux étudiants postsecondaires afin de les aider à trouver un stage dans leur domaine d’études.

Les employeurs admissibles au programme peuvent recevoir 50% de la couverture salariale jusqu’à 5 000$ pour le salaire d’un étudiant en poste pour un emploi à temps plein ou à temps partiel durant de 6 à 16 semaines avec un minimum de 180 heures.

For Employers

We provide 50% of a wage up to a maximum of $5,000 to eligible employers who hire the brightest minds in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM) and Business. 

For Participants

Working with institutions and employers across Canada to fund work placements for students to gain real-world experience in the environment while they are still in school. 

Admissibilité : Étudiant de niveau postsecondaire


Inscriptions ouvertes

0 %
des participants ont été employés par l’organisation d’accueil après leur stage.​​
0 %
des participants ont trouvé un emploi ou sont retournés aux études après leur stage.
environmental employability pathways

Environmental Employability Pathways​

For Employers

Small and medium sized employers can receive 50% (up to $12,000) in funding towards a participant’s salary.

The host employer must provide a new, permanent position and the job must be environmentally-related.

For Participants

The Environmental Employability Pathway Program is an employment readiness program which aims to help all youth (age 15 to 30) to navigate through the labour market and to successfully transition into sustained employment.

Eligibility: Youth (15-30)



science horizons youth internship

Science Horizons
Youth Internship

For Employers

For employers, it gives them the opportunity to onboard young professionals and create meaningful environmental jobs in science, technology, engineering, mathematics by removing limitations and challenges of hiring young professionals.

For Participants

The Science Horizons Program provides training and funding for young professionals with post-secondary education to help them transition into the workforce and gain experience in the environmental sector. The program helps them build a network of peers and mentors.

Eligibility: Youth (15-30)



environmental foreign talent development program

Foreign Talent Development

For Employers

Eligible employers can receive up to $18,750 of a candidate’s salary for placement in a new or vacant full or part-time 6 to 12-month position.

For Participants

The Environmental Jobs Growth Program helps employers grow, develop and diversify their environmental talent. The program welcomes any job seeker looking to enter or advance their careers in the clean economy.

Eligibility: Newcomers



nature based climate solutions program

Nature-Based Climate Solutions

For Employers

Receive up to $4,500 in funding towards a candidate’s salary. Funding will cover full-time and part-time placements that are at a minimum of 3 months long.

For Participants

Provides training and funding for workers leaving the natural resource sector and helps them move into nature-based climate solutions employment such as coastal restoration, forestry, and mining roles that relate to climate adaptation, watershed restoration, drought resiliency, and more.

EligibilityTransitioning from Natural Resources Sector



digital skills for youth

Digital Skills For Youth​

For Employers

Through this internship program, your business can increase the supply of highly qualified candidates and facilitate their transition to a rapidly changing labour market in the digital economy. Receive 80% up to $18,000 in funding towards a participant’s salary.

For Participants

The Digital Skills for Youth Program provides training and funding for young professionals with post-secondary education to help them transition into the workforce and gain experience in the environmental Digital Skills sector.

Eligibility: Youth (15-30)



science horizons youth internship

Programme Stages Horizons sciences pour les jeunes

Le programme Horizons Science offre des subventions et accompagne la formation de jeunes diplômés sortant d’études post-secondaires pour gagner de l’experience ou faire leur transition dans le secteur de l’environnement, pour des postes en liens avec les STIM.

Les employeurs admissibles peuvent recevoir jusqu’à 80% du salaire du nouvel embauché à hauteur de 25 000$ pour un emploi à temps plein de 6 à 12 mois.

For Employers

For employers, it gives them the opportunity to onboard young professionals and create meaningful environmental jobs in science, technology, engineering, mathematics by removing limitations and challenges of hiring young professionals.

For Participants

The Science Horizons Program provides training and funding for young professionals with post-secondary education to help them transition into the workforce and gain experience in the environmental sector. The program helps them build a network of peers and mentors.

Admissibilité: Jeunes (15-30)



digital skills for youth

Programme Compétences numériques pour les jeunes

Le programme Compétences numériques pour les jeunes offre de la formation et des subventions pour les jeunes professionnels ayant poursuivi des études postsecondaires afin de les aider à intégrer le marché du travail dans le secteur des compétences numériques en environnement.

Le programme offre aux employeurs admissibles une subvention salariale à hauteur de 80 % jusqu’à concurrence de 18 000 $ pour l’embauche d’un candidat à un nouveau poste à temps plein ou à temps partiel de 3 à 12 mois.

For Employers

Through this internship program, your business can increase the supply of highly qualified candidates and facilitate their transition to a rapidly changing labour market in the digital economy. Receive 80% up to $18,000 in funding towards a participant’s salary.

For Participants

The Digital Skills for Youth Program provides training and funding for young professionals with post-secondary education to help them transition into the workforce and gain experience in the environmental Digital Skills sector.

Admissibilité: Jeunes (15-30)



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Reconnaissance des terres

Dans un esprit de respect, de réciprocité et de vérité, nous honorons et reconnaissons Moh’kinsstis, le territoire traditionnel du Traité 7 et les pratiques orales de la confédération des Pieds-Noirs : Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, ainsi que les nations Îyâxe Nakoda et Tsuut’ina. Nous reconnaissons que ce territoire abrite la Nation métisse de l’Alberta, la région 3 au sein de la patrie historique des Métis du Nord-Ouest. Enfin, nous reconnaissons toutes les nations qui vivent, travaillent et se divertissent sur ce territoire, et qui l’honorent et le célèbrent.